Advertise With Us

Want to Reach More Audience:

Interested in advertising on we are the top global website for all the latest news and everything in the industry. We offer sponsored articles and related guest posts, banner space, social media promotion, and several great package deals.

Guest Post:

We offer two options regarding guest posts.
The guest post was written by you.
The guest post was written by us.

The article written by us will be more expensive but we can guarantee high-quality posts that will be created by our team exactly to your specification. We have categories for almost everything related to the industry. so, we have a tendency to welcome guest posts from all shoppers providing that there's no contradiction to our terms & conditions.

Every guest post will receive the following:

A 24-hour publication from the moment the request is ready.
The article can contain up to 2 back-link as well as any pictures/videos preferred.
Featured on the homepage and correct categories.
Promotion over all our social media channels.
Exposure to our 140,000 hits per month.
Personal service and specific requests always considered and discussed openly.

Banner Advertising:

We provide various forms of banner ad campaigns and the client can buy anything from one banner space to exclusivity total our banner spaces. All banner advertising contracts will be paid upfront with either a 1 month, 3-months or 6-months contract at a pre-negotiated fixed price.

Advertising Package Deals:

Our amazing advertising deal could be the bundle containing everything above in addition to frequent having access to our social network platforms, newsletters, and mailing lists and limitless guest posted. These can be purchased in 3-months, 6-months & 1-year contracts and contains a very personal level of service. We will also strive to be innovative in our attempt to bring you the best result possible for your campaign and will be more than willing to discuss and implement the other advertising methods that you simply want to do.

For all inquiries please email us at with any questions/offers you may have or visit our contact us form.

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